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Galix Investments GmbH (hereinafter: “Galix Investments”) reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. We recommend that you review them on a regular basis.


The information and opinions published on this website are not to be regarded as an advice or offer for the purchase, sale or other transaction of any investment instrument. The website is not intended to constitute any financial, legal or tax advice and visitors should seek professional advice to make their own decision.


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The value of any investment can fall as well as rise, and can potentially result in total loss of capital. Please remember that past performance is not indicative of future results and cannot be guaranteed in the future. As such, none of the information on this website should be used to make decisions regarding investments.


The entire website (notably the text and images) is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Reproduction (in full or in part) or transmission (for private or public purposes) of the information contained on the website of Galix Investments is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Galix Investments.


The content of this website has been compiled with due care and attention by Galix Investments. However, Galix Investments offers no undertaking or guarantee as to accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information provided. Under no circumstances (including but not limited to negligence) shall Galix Investments be liable for any losses or damage resulting from the use of this information.


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In order to perform its services, Galix Investments GmbH (hereinafter “Galix Investments”) collects and processes personal data relating to our existing and prospective business relationships.


This data is collected either directly from clients/prospects, from business referrals or from public networks. In accordance with regulations on data protection, Galix Investments has implemented a privacy policy regarding the collection, use, transmission and protection of personal data. We treat personal data carefully and apply procedures to ensure their confidentiality. This document describes which personal data is collected, how it can be used, and explains the rights of users regarding their personal data.

Should you have any questions about this document, please contact your relationship manager. You can also contact us by email at


What data is collected?
Personal data include any information that makes it possible to identify a person. This may include:

  • Identification data, such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, business contact information, date of birth, copy of passport or ID, social security numbers

  • Professional information, such as employment and job history, role, title, professional skills, education background

  • Financial information, such as wealth, assets under management, asset allocation, source of funds

  • Transaction/investment data, such as current and past holdings, investment objectives, risk profile

  • Cookies information, in anonymized form when visiting our website

How is data used?
We process personal data for the purpose of providing the best professional services to our clients, prospects and other business relationships, and in connection with legitimate interests we pursue. We also collect and process data in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations to which we are subject.

Personal data are generally treated confidentially and for internal use. If necessary or useful to achieve the business purposes, or if required by applicable laws or regulations, they may be made accessible to the following third parties:

  • The investment manager of the product offered which operate under a mutual non-disclosure agreement.

  • Public/governmental administrations, courts, competent authorities (e.g. financial supervisory authorities), auditors or legal advisors.

Personal data are stored on a dedicated Client Relationship Management tool and on a secured cloud storage. Access to the data is limited to persons which need to process them. 
Personal data are retained for as long as they are needed to achieve our purposes. We will delete or anonymise personal data once they are no longer necessary to achieve our purposes, subject however to any applicable legal or regulatory requirements to store them for a longer period.

What are your rights related to your personal data?
Users have the right, subject to applicable data protection legislation, to request access to the personal data we hold. They can request rectification of the personal data that are either inaccurate or incomplete. Users can also request that personal data be deleted when their use is no longer necessary for the purposes, subject however to applicable retention periods requested by legal or regulatory requirements.

Subject to the limitations set forth above, users may exercise their rights free of charge by contacting their relationship manager or under

Privacy Policy

© 2018 Galix Investments GmbH

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